Next Retreat will be Spring 2024
Redeemed Hope is an intensive weekend healing retreat that offers the dedicated space and intentional time to do a deeper work in our hearts. This includes lodging for 3 nights, 4 full days of retreat, 8 meals, retreat material, and a 6-week online follow-up support group. Space is limited to 14 participants.
Redeem means to gain or regain possession of something in exchange for payment. Our desire for this weekend is to offer participants the opportunity to redeem parts of their story that have been taken, but more importantly that their hope would be redeemed in their relationship with their Maker.
For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth His called.
Isaiah 54:5
We believe that there are multiple levels involved in healing and recovery from betrayal trauma. We need the psycho-educational understanding of both what has happened, and what is happening in the here and now. We need to grow in knowledge about trauma, triggers, grief, boundaries and so many other components of betrayal. We also believe that there is a spiritual level that is oftentimes overlooked, misunderstood and/or ignored.

At the Redeemed Hope Intensive Healing Retreat, we bring you the very best combination of therapeutic practices and spiritual principles. We help you, as a partner, grow in your understanding of what’s happening within you and around you. You’ll be given not only practical tools, but the opportunity to press in for a deeper level of healing by addressing the very real spiritual side of addiction, betrayal, pain and strongholds. We look at the implications of leaving this area unexplored, as well as the victories that can be had by learning about them. We invite you to wade into the river and see what healing and freedom the Holy Spirit has for you there.
Perhaps you have dug through all the books, articles, and therapy sessions, but there is still something incomplete. Maybe you are aware of the spiritual battle, but unsure how to fight in this space. Maybe you’ve never really had the time to get away, open up this stuff, and not have to quickly pack it back up to go on with your day and responsibilities. Maybe you need a safe space to just sit with it all and let the Lord and His servants (our team) support, carry and encourage you in your journey, unhurried and undistracted. This intensive retreat will give you the opportunity to discover deep, lasting healing and freedom.
As we have done this type of work with betrayed partners since 2018, we continue to be amazed at the depths and heights that the Lord will take His daughters. During this weekend, women are reminded of who God created them to be and are given the space to begin freely walking in that identity. They are given permission to go after things that will have eternal impact. They are equipped with the wisdom to change generational lines. They are reminded of the authority they have in the powerful name of Jesus and they practice walking in it. Daughters of the King are brought back into the courts of heaven and are reminded of their full worth in Christ.
Renew and Refine
Redeemed Hope is an opportunity for the soul and mind to be renewed and refined so that Hope can be Redeemed.

We would love to have you join us. It’s not an experience; it’s a weekend of lasting transactions and freedom. And you’re worth it.
This retreat is facilitated by women who have walked this path too. We understand what destruction a storm like sexual betrayal can have on a family, a heart and a marriage. So we serve the participants from those familiar places. We limit our retreat to 10 participants. This allows for one-to-one support when needed throughout the weekend.
Our retreats are facilitated by:
- Lyschel Burket, RLC, PCC, APSATS CPC, and ADOH trained
- a co-facilitator
- and a team of amazing volunteers that the Lord has called for such a time as this.
Read what Redeemed Hope Retreat Participants say ...