Support for Women
• BeBroken – Our goal is to help individuals and families move from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ — and equip others to do the same. Jonathan Daugherty
• Beyond Betrayal Community – Validation, Encouragement, Hope. Lisa Taylor is a trauma survivor who walks alongside women who have been betrayed by their husbands/partners.
• Broken or Beautiful – Reconnecting people impacted by sexual abuse and exploitation with Hope. “If we could see the walking wounded abuse victims; if they were visible to us, we would know how prevalent the damage is. If they had signs around their necks or indicated obvious need, we would jump right in to help them. This is an invisible pandemic.” Trish Propson
• Women Ever After – Support for survivors of relational trauma: abandonment, abuse, addiction, betrayal, deception, divorce, infidelity and more. “Trauma speaks, but healing talks back.” Gaelyn Rae Emerson