Valentines day can be one of the hardest seasons for betrayed women to navigate. The thought of love is in your face down every grocery aisle and through our social media feed is daunting. Join us for a LIVE event as we talk through triggers, how to celebrate being in love when you don't like […]
What is HILL Group? HILL (Hope In our Loving Lord) Group is a peer-led processing group that will meet for 12 weeks and will work through a manual that was created by Hope Redefined. The group will explore topics like crisis of faith after betrayal, identity in Christ, and healing. Participants will also have the […]
Tickets Go On Sale August 9th, 2021 Redeemed Hope is an intensive weekend healing retreat that offers the dedicated space and intentional time to do a deeper work in our hearts. (This includes lodging for 3 nights, 4 full days of retreat, 9 meals, retreat material, and a 6-week online follow-up support group. Space is […]
This group will meet on Monday nights from 8:00-9:30pm EST. Meetings will begin on April 4th and run through May 23rd. Each session will meet on Zoom. Details will be sent via email upon registration.
This group will meet on Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:30am EST. Meetings will begin on April 7th and run through June 2nd. There will be no meeting April 28th. Each session will meet on Zoom. Details will be sent via email upon registration.
Seeking Hope is for women just entering their healing journey with Hope Redefined. This group is intended to offer support in the safety and stabilization phase of healing as well as beginning to connect participants to a supportive community. This group will meet once a week for six weeks, on Zoom, beginning April 18 and […]
What is HILL Group? HILL (Hope In our Loving Lord) Group is a peer-led processing group that will meet for 12 weeks and will work through a manual that was created by Hope Redefined. The group will explore topics like crisis of faith after betrayal, identity in Christ, and healing. Participants will also have the […]
We missed having you at our live event. Access the RECORDED EVENT here.
This group is specifically for women who have gone through a therapeutic disclosure. The participants will meet weekly for 6 weeks on Friday mornings beginning June 9. Coach Lyschel Burket will guide conversation around the important processing that needs to take place following a disclosure. Participants will receive support and encouragement as they navigate this […]
A relapse plan is an essential recovery tool for any person healing from betrayal trauma. A relapse plan allows a wife to respond to a relapse versus react. Planning ahead for something we all hope will never happen offers a woman the space to think clearly, identify her needs and layout steps to meet those […]
This group will meet for ten weeks on Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:30am Eastern Time. Meetings will begin on September 1st and run through November 10th (taking October 27th off). Each session will meet on Zoom. Details will be sent via email upon registration. The facilitator will be Lyschel Burket.