- Have you completed the Finding Hope Support Group but know that your work is not finished yet?
- Are you needing intentional community?
- Would you like to work through the book again and do the parts you skipped the first time?
- Or maybe you weren’t ready for that work the first time through?
Upcoming Living in Hope Groups
- There are no upcoming events.
Living in Hope offers support through additional materials developed by Hope Redefined Ministries to help you take a deeper look at yourself and your relationship with your partner through When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography by Vicki Tiede.
Living in Hope will meet 2 times per month for 90 mins over the course of 4 months. This allows for 8 total meetings.
Living in Hope is limited to 8 participants plus a facilitator from Hope Redefined Ministries who will meet through a secure Zoom conference, participants will encourage and support each other.
Needed to participate:
- When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography
- Workbook is provided electronically once you register so participants can choose to print or use electronically
- Access to High Speed internet with Zoom video and audio capabilities
Read what Living in Hope Participants are saying ...
"I liked that the needs of the group took precedence over content. If someone needed to talk about what was going on in their life, that was the focus for the moment."
"Going deeper into 'When Your Husband is Addicted to Porn' and having the support from the facilitator and group helped me grow closer to God and further into my recovery."